Just found a useful workbench accessory in the beauty section of a well-known online retailer: acrylic shelves used to store fingernail polish. The two I purchased have five risers each, with closed ends and a lip on each shelf.
Each unit holds 90 bottles of Vallejo eyedropper-sized paint bottles — which I favor — and also holds Testors Model Master paints. I am sure other paint brands will fit as well.
The footprint on the bench is relatively small too. Another plus is that the shelf units can be joined together by substituting slightly longer screws.
Here’s another tip on premade items that help on any workbench:
I found a handy set of four plastic beakers by OXO in the kitchen department of a local store. The smallest is 1 teaspoon; the largest is 2 oz.
These are safer than equivalent laboratory glassware, and their flanged bottoms make them harder to tip over (another plus when modeling).
Tip submitted by:
Paul Trimble
South Bend, Ind.