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In the past, it was Future

Improve models with Pledge FloorCare Multi-Surface Finish
Hasegawa’s 1/48 scale Arado Ar 234 offers superdetailing opportunities upfront — all the more reason to make the most of all that clear plastic on the nose. That’s where Pledge FloorCare Multi-Surface Finish comes in.
Longtime readers will no doubt recall that for years we have been extolling the virtues of what used to be called Future — an acrylic floor polish now called Pledge FloorCare Multi-Surface Finish (PFM is our merciful abbreviation).

Throughout its various name and packaging changes, PFM’s positive attributes have remained the same. It not only makes clear plastic look shinier but also smoother and more transparent — in other words, more like glass.

Additionally, PFM makes an excellent glossy clear coat that’s more receptive to decals and weathering washes. Or it can be a final clear coat for a high-gloss finish.

Not only that, but it is more forgiving than many clear finishes because it levels so well (fewer runs), is easy to touch up (for small errors), and, if need be, can easily be removed (always a hit).

If you really botch a piece, you can submerge it in Windex, scrub it clean, wash and rinse it, and try again.

1) Hasegawa’s Ar 234 nose has a nasty mold seam right down the middle, but it’s not hard to get rid of. First, I masked to protect the surrounding area.

2) Sanding with a succession of progressively finer grits removes the seam but leaves the plastic clouded. I followed with polishing cloths up to 12000 grit to restore clarity, then washed the piece and let it air-dry.
3) This part’s easy: Dunk the piece in PFM. Make sure it is submerged and there are no bubbles on it. Slowly pull the piece out; let the PFM roll off one corner if you can.
4) Drag the piece across an absorbent towel to pull off more PFM. The spot where I’m holding it with tweezers will fill in and level when I let go.
5) Immediately cover the piece to keep dust and lint off while the PFM dries. I always give it at least 72 hours to make doubly sure that it’s completely dry, hardened, and tough.
6) Sometimes it’s easier to treat pieces with PFM in situ. Also, PFM can be used to attach small parts. And if a clear piece gets smudged, you can touch up with a little more.
In the March 2004 FineScale Modeler, Matt Swan wrote “The complete Future,” in which he discussed not only the several uses but also the different packaging and various names by which the product labeled Pledge FloorCare Multi-Surface Finish in the U.S. is known worldwide.

Tracking the sometimes elusive brand names has been an ongoing project for him: His modeling website (Swanny’s Models, features a periodically updated article on the substance formerly known as Future, and is the source of the following list.
  • Argentina: “GloCot.”
  • Belgium, France: “Klir.”
  • Belgium, Netherlands: What was “Klir” is now being packaged as “Sols Plus” and as “Vloer Plus.” Reportedly the same product, different labeling.
  • Japan, Philippines: “Johnson’s Wipe and Shine.”
  • Netherlands: “Pronto Wax for wooden floors” with a brown cap, or “Parket Plus.”
  • Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia: “Pronto.”
  • Portugal: “Pronto Cera Acrilica.”
  • United Kingdom, New Zealand: “Klear,” “Krystal Klear,” or “Johnson’s One and All” (the “Klear” name disappeared in 2008).
If that clears things up for you, let me muddy the waters again. Seeking a primary source, I sent this list of names to S.C. Johnson for clarification. A company spokesperson wrote back, “The formulas for the products you shared are all different and not identical to the formula for Pledge FloorCare Finish. The formula used to make [PFM] is only offered in the United States and Canada.”

So it seems the only thing that is truly clear is the stuff modelers all over the world continue to use, whatever it’s called. If you are in doubt, test it off the model.

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