First, prime Chewbacca black, then airbrush a light coat of Tamiya red brown (No. XF-64), allowing some of the black to show through.
Brush-paint the dark fur with chocolate brown (No. 70.872) mixed with a touch of black gray (No. 70.862). Lightly dry-brushed brighter areas with brown (No. 70.984) mixed with a drop of Model Air dark yellow (No. 71.025).
For facial highlights, mix together brown and plenty of dark yellow. Paint the nose flat black (No. 70.950). The lips are equal parts salmon rose (No. 70.835) and vermilion (No. 70.947).
Paint the bandolier and bag leather brown (No. 70.871). Pick out the metal pieces with natural steel (No. 70.864). Apply a coat of Pledge Floor Gloss followed by a wash of brown and black artist oils. Once that is dry, seal the Wookie with a coat of satin varnish. Done!