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Welcome to FineScale Modeler's website

October 2021 FineScale Modeler
FineScale Modeler or "FSM," as many of our readers refer to it, is the world's leading magazine devoted to the hobby of scale modeling. Our readers build models of every kind of subject you can imagine, from planes, armored vehicles, ships, and figures to autos, sci-fi spaceships, and real space vehicles. We present stories about those topics - and more - in the pages of the magazine as well as at this site.

FSM publishes 6 print issues  a year, and in each installment we seek to help our readers enjoy their hobby more through articles that help build better modeling skills. In addition, the FSM staff produces Great Scale Modeling, Contest Cars, and other special interest issues that feature some of the best models and modelers from around the world and highlight model shows.

We inspire our readers by presenting the best of the hobby in FSM's Reader Gallery and Showcase sections, and to keep our readers informed about the latest kits and products. Above all, though, we work to produce the best modeling magazine in the world and to give our customers a good value.

FSM readers live in more than 80 countries, and we welcome those of you who live outside North America. FSM is truly an international magazine, and we have readers and authors from around the world. We welcome your stories and photos, no matter where you're from.

While you're here, please let us know what you think - about our website, about FSM, and about the hobby. Just click here and send us a message. We read them all, and answer all that we can.

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Essential finishing techniques for scale modelers.


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