I started building plastic models again last year, and my approach is quite different from before. My third car model since my restart was the 1/25 scale AMT 1925 Model T Ford. I was dissatisfied with the kit’s “car show” license plate — I wanted something specific to place and time.
With a little trial and error I worked out how to design my own plate. I found a photo of a restored 1925 New York state license plate on eBay and copied the image to my computer. Then I pasted the image into my “paint” program and scaled it down, redrawing the plate using the program's pencil, fill, and line functions. I printed it out to check the size (it was 3/16" x 7/16"), sanded the raised lettering off the kit’s plate, cut out the printed image, and glued it on the plate. It looks OK to my old eyes!
Tip submitted by:Timothy CanneySavannah, Georgia