Comments: Hardcover, 192 pages, 119 color and 29 black-and-white photos, 13 color and black-and-white illustrations
ISBN: 978-1-910690-43-7
Price: $39.95
Publisher: Grub Street/Casemate Publishers
From the publisher: Twelve years after Peter Vacher’s discovery in India was originally published, Grub Street is thrilled to update the story of Hurricane R4118. More stories of R4118’s origins are told, including how it shot down a friendly Whitley bomber before it was assigned to a Royal Air Force squadron. Focus is also given to the role of 605 Squadron’s ground crew and the aircraft during the Battle of Britain. Vacher highlights the challenges of maintaining and flying a historic warbird, while Keith Dennison, a warbird pilot, provides expert commentary on exactly what it is like to fly a Hurricane. The book concludes with the sale of R4118 to an enthusiastic Englishman and the decision taken to keep the aircraft at the Shuttleworth Collection.
FSM says: Photos and firsthand accounts trace the ongoing restoration and display of a legendary aircraft.