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Zvezda Mil Mi-24V/VP

Build review of the 1/48 scale helicopter kit with plenty of detail
This is the first new 1/48 scale kit of this important helicopter, the Soviet/Russian Mi-24, known to NATO as the Hind, and often referred to as a flying tank. 

Features include a full engine, transfer case, and interior, as well as optional crew figures, weapons, and fuel tanks. Many of the hatches can be posed open and the decals provide markings for four Mi-24s, three Soviet or Russian, and one from the Czech air force.

I chose to display the panels and hatches open on one side and closed on the other for the best of both worlds. Less clear initially are the optional parts for early and late versions. Make sure you know which marking options you want to use early because that determines part choices.

The multipart figures are beautifully molded and posed to hold the controls. I painted the crew flight suits with Vallejo Russian uniform green and used Tamiya dark green for the helmets. If you decide to omit the figure, you’ll need to find decal or photo-etched (PE) seat belts elsewhere.

The interior builds up in stages, starting with the tandem cockpit and troop compartment, followed by the transfer case. 

I applied the instrument panel decals after painting the parts with Testors Russian interior green. Based on photos, I painted the troop section ceiling white, the rest of the interior was painted the recommended Tamiya light gray.

The engines and the rest of the mechanical equipment on top as well as the compartments fit without problems. Dry-brushing helps to pop the molded detail here. Be sure to follow the instructions for either the open or closed engine hatches because some parts are omitted on the closed version.

In preparation for sandwiching the interior, I drilled open necessary holes and installed the ribs. The rear fuselage halves were prep with interior ribbing holes drilled. Unfortunately, the parts lack locators for the interior and the instructions are vague about the correct position. I recommend aligning the main landing bay (Part No. B52) flush with its opening. That should set everything in place when you add the front fuselage. 

After dipping the canopies in Pledge Floor Gloss and painting them, I attached the clear parts. The weapons officer’s hatch was slightly misshapen, so fitting it was a challenge. I painted the main rotor overall flat black to match the newer overall paint scheme. The tail rotor was masked and painted the colors suggested. 

Choosing marking option No. 3, an Mi-24VP of the 125th Separate Helicopter Squadron in 2015, I painted the fuselage with Tamiya dark gray. For weapons, I fitted 23mm gun pods, rocket pods, and guided antitank missiles. The pods were painted silver and the missile khaki. 

While applying decals to the weapons, I discovered they didn’t want to stick especially on curved surfaces. For the main markings, I took extra time wetting the surface and letting the decals dry completely before adding the second layer.

I spent 57 hours building and painting Zvezda’s Hind and it makes an impressive model. Small parts and some fiddly construction make this kit better suited for modelers with some experience. However, the amount of detail and the options make this easily the best 1/48 scale Mi-24 on the market right now.

Note: A version of this review appeared in the November 2020 issue.
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