• Recycle bin — Empty paint bottles, kit packaging, scratch paper — all of this and more can be recycled. Instead of putting it in the waste bin, only to rummage through and sort it later, purchase another basket or bin to hold all your modeling recyclables. Toss plastic, paper, and more inside and be done with it.
• Power strip — If you never seem to have enough outlets, a power strip or two can make all the difference. The best ones come with rotating outlets, making the placement of large and oddly shaped plugs easy. Remember to purchase only those with surge protectors.
• Drawer organizers — Take a walk down any home improvement aisle and you’ll see quite the selection. Measure your space (drawer inserts do not necessarily have to sit in a drawer) and find small organizers that fit. Look for ones made of clear plastic that are easy to clean and keep small bits organized inside the compartments. In these you can store hobby knives, extra blades, files, sanding sticks and sandpaper, screwdrivers, pencils, and more. Bonus tip: Fishing tackle boxes also work for storing small bits.